Call for papers for the Special Issue ''Theories of history and histories of philosophy: what dialog is possible?''


The disciplinary disputes between history and philosophy have a history that is itself a cross-history, with a reciprocal borrowing of categories and methods. The aim is to denaturalize the common opposition between an “ahistorical history of reason”, which would be the responsibility of the philosopher, and a “successive history of empirical facts”, which would be the responsibility of the historian. Investigating the processes of autonomization and professionalization of each discourse can contribute to a greater awareness of this doxa. Both philosophy and history claim their legitimacy to define conceptions of temporality and periodization: the ideas of century, epoch, progress, evolution, decline, advance, delay, etc. have meanings in both fields of knowledge. These definitions give rise to time policies that justify nationalist and colonialist epistemologies, for which the notion of universality plays a central role. In line with the focus of the journal História da Historiografia, the aim of the special issue is to bring together unpublished articles that problematize time and other objects common to philosophy and history, in a relational and interdisciplinary way, causing shifts in the common views that each discipline has of itself. The approaches may include philosophy of history, history of philosophy, sociology of philosophy, theory of history, history of historiography and intellectual history.

Possible axes:

  • Disciplinary hierarchies: autonomization and professionalization of history and the history of philosophy;
  • Conceptions of temporalities and periodizations: philosophical and historical ideas;
  • Time politics: nationalisms, colonialisms and universalisms;
  • Historical discourse and philosophical discourse: fiction, narrative and literature;
  • Constructions of the contemporary: politics of memory.