Discontinued sections and published dossiers
Discontinued sections
* Review of historiographical balance with emphasis on literature review (2020)
* Reviews (2008-2018)
* Translations and historiographical document (2009-2018)
* Interviews (2009-2017)
* Agenda (2017-2018)
Published dossiers
* Dossier "Da Monarquia à República: questões sobre a escrita da história" (2009) [From Monarchy to Republic: questions about the writing of history]
There was no call for papers
* Dossier "A historiografia em época de crise: 1750-1850" (2010) [Historiography in times of crisis: 1750-1850]
There was no call for papers
* Dossier "A história da historiografia e os estudos clássicos" (2010) [The history of historiography and classical studies]
There was no call for papers
* Dossier "Historiografia alemã: abordagens e desenvolvimentos" (2011) [German historiography: approaches and developments]
There was no call for papers
* Dossier “Historiografia na América Espanhola” (2011) [Historiography in Spanish America]
There was no call for papers
* Dossier “História e biografia: aproximações, desafios e implicações teóricas no campo historiográfico” (2012) [History and biography: approaches, challenges and theoretical implications in the historiographical field]
* Dossier “Diálogos historiográficos: Brasil e Portugal” (2012) [Historiographical dialogs: Brazil and Portugal]
* Dossier “Os cursos de história: lugares, práticas e produções" (2013) [The courses of history: places, practices and productions]
* Dossier "Teoria da história da historiografia" (2013) [Theory of the history of historiography]
* Dossier "A história em questão: diálogos com a obra de Manoel Luiz Salgado Guimarães" (2013) [History in question: dialogs with the work of Manoel Luiz Salgado Guimarães]
* Dossier “Historicidade e literatura” (2014) [Historicity and literature]
* Caderno Especial "Teoria e história da historiografia" (2015) [Theory and history of historiography]
* Dossier "A história e seus públicos. A circulação do conhecimento histórico: espaços, leitores e linguagens" (2016) [History and its audiences. The circulation of historical knowledge: spaces, readers and languages]
* Dossier "Historiadores e historiadoras, esses desconhecidos: Quem e como se escreve a História" (2016) [These unknown male and female historians: Who and how is history written]
* Dossier "Teoria da História e História da Historiografia na América Latina e no Caribe" (2018) [Theory of History and History of Historiography in Latin America and the Caribbean]
* Dossier "O que faz da história algo pessoal?" (2019) [What makes history something personal?]
The aim of our proposal is to examine how ‘historicity’ and diverse understandings of the past interfere in the writing of history. Specific issues to be addressed can include, but are not limited to: the intertwining between a historian’s life and work, in which one’s authorial imprint is clear and irreplaceable; the formulation of a view of history in which the frontiers between one’s personal setting and the contemporary political milieu are blurred; the close connection between the building/construction of a personal and a collective identity; the relevance of historical writing for personal orientation and identity in a time of crisis; the identification between the historian and his or her object.
* Dossier: História da Historiografia Medieval: Novas Abordagens (2020) [History of Medieval Historiography: New Approaches]
* Dossier: História como (In)disciplina (2021) [History as (In)discipline]
* Dossier: Remembrance: between agency and actualisation of the past (2022)
During the first years of the 21st century, public opinion renewed the complaints arising from the philosophy of history and the so-called studies of memory. On the political level, recently, a new version of neoliberalism - especially in Latin America - has reformulated its ways of dealing with historical meanings. There seems to be an invitation to the dehistoricization of the present, which is understood prima facie as a device of de-agency, but would this not give rise to a hypocritical formulation of uses of the past, with their corresponding stories, political myths and feats of origin, or, on the contrary, would it open a perspective in which the claims of Truth are already untenable, for hiding a mythical background? Again it is the theory of history that informs these questions. The thesis that history cannot be understood as a continuum or as historia magistra vitae has not lost its validity and, however, that does not contradict the unappealable necessity of the different historical meanings for collective action. Agency here is understood as the capacity for action, associated with specific ways of exercising subjectivity, whose characteristics depend on the way in which the historical sense is conceived, that is, what type of matrix is established to link -or not- past, present and future.
In this context and in the search for a historical update, the structuring of the temporal dimensions is combined with the social, giving rise to theoretical-political conflicts. The intervention of uses of the past, which have collective experiences and memories, makes our past time a battlefield. Thus, the ways of construction of historical knowledge are located in the center of the scene, awakening disputes over the meaning of the past and the ways to access it. In turn, the various interactions between history and memory and memory and forgetting structure both our space of experiences and our horizon of expectations, forging different perspectives for the future and ways of narrating the past. This dossier is a call to reflect again on the classic and reverted concepts of the philosophy of history, such as remembrance, experience, acceleration, prognosis and time strata, among others, in order to illuminate contemporary power, politics, and the agency that history presents.