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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that I am the author of the submitted article.
  • The submitted article is original and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. If the article is derived from a thesis or dissertation, it is expected to bring substantial progress in relation to what has already been presented, especially in its conclusions.
  • I confirm that I have the ORCID number .
  • I confirm that the submitted text is in * .doc or * .docx format, compatible with Word, and that I am following all the guidelines and norms of publication.
  • I am aware that the keywords must be taken from the journal’s list of keywords.

Author Guidelines

To submit a contribution to História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography you must be registered on the journal website and log in to the system.

There is no requirement regarding academic degree to submit the articles. See above for instructions on both procedures. 

Information about submissions

When submitting, it is mandatory to send (1) a version of the article without any identification, (2) a version of the article in the submission template, including the author (s) data and an (3) open science compliance form filled in and signed.

The evaluation process of the manuscripts takes, on average, from 3 to 4 months.


Standard rules for manuscripts

1 - Articles shall range between 28,000 and 70,000 characters with spacing, including footnotes and bibliographical references. They shall include an abstract (from 700 to 1,050 characters with spacing) and three keywords, followed by translations into English. However, the maximum quantity of characters does not include the author’s data required in the submission template.

2 - Authors shall divide articles into sections, which should consist of explanatory titles, in bold and capitalized only at the beginning (or when including proper nouns). Numerical division of sections will not be accepted under any hypothesis.

3 - Submissions must be original and unpublished, not currently under evaluation by another publication and include no indication of authorship. Authors shall delete any information in the file that can identify them as such.

4 - Research funding must be detailed in the field for information about the article in the journal’s standard template.

5 - The articles will be preselected by the Editorial Board, which will evaluate pertinence to the journal's scope. Once approved in the pre-selection, they will be submitted to peer review.

6 - All articles will be analyzed by at least two members of the Advisory Board or ad hoc advisors, who may, in consideration of the subject matter, its treatment, clarity of writing and compliance with journal standards, refuse publication or suggest modifications.

7 - Opinions are confidential. The Executive Board reserves the right to publish or refuse the publication of submitted texts, according to pertinence to the journal’s planned topics.

8 - Keywords must be sourced from the keyword database prepared by journal editors.

9 - Submissions must be in Times New Roman, body 12, spacing of 1.5 and margins of 3 cm. Citations with more than three lines should be indented from the left margin (1.5 cm), without quotation marks, in body 11 and single spacing.

10 - Spelling and grammar revision must be completed prior to submission. The journal publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

11 - Footnotes should be strictly explanatory, with a maximum length of 260 characters with spacing each and restricted to 12 footnotes per article. In the event that additional footnotes are essential to understanding the article’s argument, authors must contact the secretary, who will assess the request. When a citation is translated, the original text must not be included as a footnote.

12 - Citations must be in body text with the following format: (ABREU, 2005, p. 36). In case of doubts, consult ABNT NBR 10520 (2002).

Reference to classic texts shall also appear in the body of the text, indicating the author's name, the first word of the title of the work (in italics) and the section and/or lines cited, as in the following examples:  Aristotle, Poetics VII; Thucydides, History IV, 49.  The cited work shall be referenced in full at the end of the text, in the bibliographical reference section.

14 - Only references used in the text may be listed. Authors may not use abbreviations to identify works, as this jeopardizes the automated reference identification process. All submissions must be according to ABNT NBR 6023: 2018 standards. Here are some examples of the main types of documents, which must be updated with the consultation data in case of electronic publication.

  1. Book
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. Translation by Translator's name. City: Publisher, Year
  • Example: KOSELLECK, Reinhart. Futuro passado: contribuição à semântica dos tempos históricos. Translated by Wilma Patrícia Maas; Carlos Almeida Pereira. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto; Editora PUC-Rio, 2006. 
  1. E-book
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. City: Publisher, Year E-book. Available at: Website URL. Accessed: Day month (abbreviated) year.
  • Example: BAVARESCO, Agemir; BARBOSA, Evandro; ETCHEVERRY, Katia Martin (org.). Projetos de filosofia. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2011. E-book. Available at: Accessed: 21 Aug. 2011.
  1. Book chapters
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name (org.). Chapter title In: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. City: Publisher, Year. p. pp-pp.
  • Example: RICOEUR, Paul. Fase Documental: a Memória Arquivada. In: RICOEUR, Paul. A memória, a história, o esquecimento. Translated by Alain François. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2007. p. 155–192. 
  1. Collection
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name (org.). Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. City: Publisher, Year.
  • Example: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion; MALERBA, Jurandir (org.). Representações: contribuições a um debate transdisciplinar. Campinas: Papirus, 2000.
  1. Journal article
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Article title. Journal name in bold: subtitle without bold, City, v. X, n. Y, p. pp-pp, months abbreviated (if applicable) Year.
  • Example: RIGOLOT, François. The Renaissance Crisis of Exemplarity. Journal of the History of Ideas, Philadelphia, v. 59, n. 4, p. 557-563, 1998.
  1. Texts available online
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Text title Website name, day, month (abbreviated), Year. Available at: Website URL Accessed on: Day month (abbreviated) year.
  • Example: BENTIVOGLIO, Julio. Precisamos falar sobre o currículo de História. Café História, 15, May, 2017. Available at: Accessed: 18 Apr. 2018.
  1. Complete text published in event annals
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work. In: NAME OF THE EVENT (UPPERCASE), event number, year, city. Annals[...]. City: Publisher, Year, p. pp-pp.
  • Example: ARAÚJO, Rodrigo Cardoso Soares de. O polêmico Corsário, um pasquim da Corte Imperial (1880-1883). In: SEMINÁRIO DIMENSÕES DA POLÍTICA NA HISTÓRIA: ESTADO, NAÇÃO, IMPÉRIO, I, 2007, Juiz de Fora. Annals[...]. Juiz de Fora: Clio Edições, 2007, p. 500-501.
  1. Academic thesis or dissertations
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work in bold: subtitle without bold. Year. Thesis/Dissertation (Degree in Field) - Course, University, City, Year.
  • Example: RIBEIRO, Tatiana O. apódexis herodotiana: um modo de dizer o passado Tese (Doutorado em Letras Clássicas) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2009.
  1. Newspaper article
  • Structure: LAST NAME, First name. Article title. Newspaper name, day, month (abbreviated) Year. Edition p. pp-pp.
  • Example: GLEISER, Marcelo. Newton, Einstein e Deus. Folha de S.Paulo, São Paulo, 13 Jun. 2010. Illustrated, p. A23.
  1. Archived document
  • Authored example: ARANHA, Luís de Freitas Vale. Carta a José Pinto. Arquivo Pedro Ernesto Batista, série Correspondência; PEB c 1935.01.15 (Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro). 15 Jan. 1935.
  • Example without authorship: TERMO de obrigação que fazem Manuel Francisco Villar e Antonio Freire de Ocanha. Códice 296, f.108 (Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Lisboa). 2 Mar. 1696.

Whenever possible, provide all data for the location of the document in the archive, such as the title of the fund or collection, series, subseries, notation (set code), custody institution, location (in parentheses), date of the document.

In the case of references to sets or items in the possession of persons, use: Personal collection of.

Notes on presenting references:

  1. In, used in the presentation of chapters of books, is in italics.
  2. Whenever you use an online reference, the URL must be included in the 'Available in:' and 'Accessed:' sections.
  3. The URL of material available online must be shortened. The shortener available at comes highly recommended.
  4. ABNT NBR 6023:2018 no longer uses "______". As such, the name of the author must be repeated.
  5. Quotation marks (single or double) should not be used in book titles, chapters or articles unless the title actually features this symbol.
  6. If the type of document you would like to cite is not listed above, consult the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 regulations. Should your doubt persist, kindly contact us via

15- Not a minimum or maximum limit for tables, tables, diagrams, photographs, charts, and illustrations. All figures must be numbered, have title, with only the initials of the title in capital letters, and indication of authorship, according to the standards of ABNT NBR 6023: 2018.  The words of the figures in the text must be made in parentheses (e.g. (Figure 1)). There is no specific guideline for the size of the image, and it should be the size necessary for the development of the argument presented throughout the article. We also request that the material be sent, preferably in PNG format, to ensure the resolution quality of the images.

Research article

An original article is a report from a study authored by the researchers involved in the research. Among other items, an article describes the methods adopted, the results found and the guiding hypothesis behind the study. We welcome original and unpublished articles on topics related to the fields of the history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories and philosophy of time, in addition toother such related areas. Upon submission, it is of the utmost importance to indicate whether the article is to be assessed for a themed dossier or for the open section. Manuscripts submitted shall range between 28,000 to 70,000 characters with spacing, including footnotes and bibliographical references.

Review article

A review article provides a comprehensive summary on actual state of a specific subject, identifying current research gaps and suggesting trends. We welcome original and unpublished review articles on topics related to the history of historiography, theory and methodology of history, speculative philosophy of history, historical theories and philosophy of time, in addition to other such related areas. Upon submission, it is of the utmost importance to indicate whether the article is to be assessed for a themed dossier or for the open section. Manuscripts submitted shall range from 28,000 to 70,000 characters with spacing, including footnotes and bibliographical references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for services provided by this publication and will not be made available for any other purpose or to third parties.