Call for papers for the Special Issue ''Publishing history: historiography, memory and scientific dissemination''


This special issue considers two perspectives: 1) the recognition of publications (printed and digital) as a privileged vehicle for disseminating historical knowledge; and 2) the use of history as the axis of philosophical, ideological and generally political projects, through the use of the written medium (from pamphlets to newspapers, from magazines to series of fascicles, including book collections). In other words, on the one hand we intend to consider historiography and, more broadly, the themes of history as the subject and object of specific publications and editorial projects (books, periodicals and various papers) between the 19th and 21st centuries and, on the other, to uncover political and/or intellectual projects which, under various printing, publishing and distribution media, mobilized history by producing a field of knowledge, scientific or pedagogical dissemination, but also a memory (disciplinary or doctrinal) or a heritage and/or musealization purpose. In this dual perspective, the intimate relationship between editorial aspects and historical discourse is emphasized. Seeking to establish an interlocution with the scope and spirit of the History of Historiography, our proposal is to put into dialogue studies that work on theoretical-methodological aspects of History as a discipline and as a field of knowledge or of the past as an intellectual and political instrument, privileging the paths of a vast and plural area of analysis and research such as the history and sociology of publishing, written communication and print (and digital) culture, as well as the information sciences.