
Former Executive Editors

Since its establishment in 2008, countless researchers have contributed to maintaining, consolidating and widening the editorial reach of História da Historiografia. Our heartfelt thanks to all those listed for their involvement in this collective effort to build an open space for dialog between researchers of the theory of history and the history of historiography. During this journey, several board members have left behind a profound sense of longing after having departed from this world and we insist on maintaining their names in association with this project as an expression of our eternal admiration for their efforts in this and other spaces. This page carries a list of all the people who have been part of previous editorial teams.

Discontinued sections and published dossiers

A journal is a living organism and, as such, it is constantly subject to change. Up to 2019, História da Historiografia accepted the submission of reviews, interviews and historiographical texts and documents that contributed to its consolidation and to an exchange of ideas among researchers from its core areas of study. Furthermore, since 2010 the journal has been staging public calls for publications in its themed dossiers. As a means to preserve the memory of the journal, these data are recorded here.