Gunther Anders between updatism and human obsolescence
Temporalities, Theory of History, JapanAbstract
This text analyzes Gunther Anders’ reflections on technology in an actualist society. Anders emphasized the pursuit of technological updates and people’s desire to become ‘gadgets,’ which he referred to as the Promethean gap. Based on the premise that technology affects one’s perception of fear, trivializing threats and hindering the identification of real dangers, Ander’s main hypotheses addressed the alienation caused by (false) technological conformity and the inability to fear the invisible (or what is overly shown). In conclusion, critical reflection on the moral and existential implications of technology is of paramount importance in actualist society, symbolized by the atomic bomb. Gunther Anders reflections on the atomic bomb and his critical analysis of society are a fundamental diagnosis of what Mateus Araújo and Valdei Pereira (2019) call updatism.
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