Between Koselleck and Krenak
posible conversation on space of experience, horizon of expectations, and ancestrality?
Reinhart Koselleck, Temporalities, Historical TimeAbstract
This essay aims to stress the metahistorical categories proposed by Koselleck (2014) as anthropological and universal and that would be central in the composition of historical time, confronting them with the thought of Ailton Krenak. In this path, we start from the elaboration by Koselleck, go through the appropriation that Ricoeur (2010) performs of the categories in the elaboration of a Hermeneutics of the historical conscience and we also present Hartog’s conception (2015) of regimes of historicity, where experience and expectation are also manifested . In a second moment, we work with the temporalities of non-historicized peoples and, therefore, excluded from the Eurocentric way of existing, in order to, in the end, dedicate ourselves to Krenak’s thought that we gleaned from the texts of the last four years and
with which we confront the universalist proposition of Koselleck for space of experience and horizon of expectations
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