Between transcendence and immanence. Analysis of the influence of Giambattista Vico on the work of Eric Voegelin

an analysis of the influence of Giambattista Vico on the work of Eric Voegelin




Giambattista Vico, Historical Knowledge, Myth


This article analyses the influence of the work of Giambattista Vico on the view of history of Eric Voegelin, particularly the principle verum ipsum factum and the Neapolitan’s myths regarding the notions of “consciousness,” “noetic experience,” and “historiogenesis" developed by the German philosopher. With that, it aims to verify Vico’s explicit and implicit influence on the philosophical and historical aspects developed by Voegelin. The conceptual analysis indicates a direct influence of the Viquian gnoseology under the principle verum ipsum factum, as well as a valuation of Vico’s myth in the theory of knowledge and Voegelin’s theory of history.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Guerra, Universidad de los Andes

Académico del Centro de Estudios Generales de la Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Licenciado en Historia y Magister en Historia (PUCV). Magister en Filosofía y doctorando en Filosofía (Universidad de los Andes). Me intereso en la Filosofía de la Historia, la Historia Política y la Filosofía Política desarrollada en la Edad Moderna. He hecho diferentes conferencias sobre la obra de Maquiavelo, Spinoza, Hobbes y Vico. Entre otros, he publicado el capítulo de libro “La finalidad de la comedia en Maquiavelo: el ejemplo útil de la representación” (2013) y el artículo “Contracorriente: Maquiavelo y la Filosofía de la Historia” (2015).


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How to Cite

GUERRA, S. Between transcendence and immanence. Analysis of the influence of Giambattista Vico on the work of Eric Voegelin: an analysis of the influence of Giambattista Vico on the work of Eric Voegelin. História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, Ouro Preto, v. 14, n. 37, p. 220–248, 2022. DOI: 10.15848/hh.v14i37.1818. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Research article